Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Breechy McBreech.

Angus and I went to our midwife appointment yesterday to find out that our little bean is breech - butt down, head up. I had a feeling that his head was the large mass I was feeling right under my ribcage for the past few weeks, and I was correct. I'm feeling somewhat stressed about this even though I'm only at 33 weeks. I know there's plenty of time for the little guy to flip to a good birthing position, but I still worry. Yesterday, we went to the pool and I did flips and handstands, and today I'm going to see a prenatal chiropractor. Apparently there's a whole list of methods to try. (One involves an ice pack on the baby's head and music played down at my crotch - haha. If you're wondering, yes, I tried this too. I think it just pissed him off.)

Ultimately, I just want my baby to be healthy and happy, and whatever method of birth that requires will be OK. It's just tough because I've really geared myself up to have a natural childbirth. We're taking a natural birth class, we've hired an awesome doula, and I just feel so strongly that I can do this. Really, I just want the opportunity to experience labor and childbirth because I know it will be so beautiful. I have to realize though that even if it's not what I envision as being my perfect birth, it will still be perfect. I'll still be holding my son at the end of the day. That thought alone brings tears to my eyes. I feel so lucky to be pregnant and to be experiencing such an awesome pregnancy at that. This is just a wee bump in the road of motherhood. As my friend Jenny puts it, at least his little head is close to my heart. :) That made me smile.

1 comment:

  1. Keri,

    I want to tell you that I had a C-section (Norrah was ridiculously breech... if you saw the ultrasound pictures you would know why I say RIDICULOUSLY!!!) and I LOVED OUR BIRTHING EXPERIENCE. I cannot express how joyful and fun it was and also the recovery was much less difficult then even some of my friends who had vaginal births. All that to say - much of this stuff really is all a matter of perspective and you do seem to have the right idea - A BEAUTIFUL HEALTHY LITTLE MAN IS COMING... the joy is that he will be here! I pray that you have the best most amazing experience no matter the method. But, I thought that I would encourage you that even if it comes down to a C-section it will be great. Especially because your section would be planned and not complicated with an already tired, aching, laboring body. HE DOES STILL HAVE PLENTY OF TIME TO GET INTO POSITION THOUGH. Keep doing what your doing. Maybe he got pissed at the TYPE of music you were playing?
